July’s highlights

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2023


They’re saying the first two weeks of July were the Earth's hottest on human record!  I hope you’re well, and making killer money this season!



 I wanted to let you know about the latest videos I’ve made – starting with how my $700 Minimum is working in my Landscaping Business.  The psychology of this is amazing, and you won’t believe how new customers are reacting to it.



Next, this guy is AMAZING – he removes 2 MONSTER pine trees in just SIX Minutes!!  You won’t believe it!  Watch it here:



We did a $4,050 Garden Bed Makeover – I was ALMOST finished – and found out there was a mistake!

See it here:





Your Customers Are Not Your Friends


Click here to go to the podcast!

Let's be honest. When we are prospecting for a customer, we exaggerate to make them believe we are the best. You will also have situations where your customer will ask for too much from you because they know that you are trying to get hired, so you keep saying yes to all their requests even though it reaches a point where you cannot continue to accommodate them.

It is best not to rely on too much rapport to win a prospective customer, but rather to keep your professionalism so you can earn their trust and credibility. Being honest with them and learning to say no will demonstrate your transparency and commitment to your business.

The purpose of this episode is to share my strategies for winning customers with less rapport and in a more professional manner.

How to Hire Virtual Assistants to Help You Grow Your Business

Click here to hear this podcast!

At some point, when you realize you can't do it all yourself, let your ego and your pride down and say, - you know what? I need help. I need to go to the people who have found out how to do this, who are actually executing. Learn from them, and do what they did. Because trying to do it myself over and over isn't working.

Join me at the Expo

The GIE Expo is from October 20th to 22nd. You can register using my link and get 50% off the tickets. Click the link below now!

Click to get 50% off!

Let me know in the comments below what you liked, or didn't like...  or what you want to hear about this month!

Thank you so much!